Psychology Teachers Film Club
Welcome to the Club where membership gives you access to films specifically tailored to the needs of A-level teachers and students of Psychology ans Sociology.
Membership costs just £25 (+VAT), lasts for 12 months and gives you complete on-demand access to the films - plus automatic access to new films we publish during your membership.
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Both your free trial and Club Membership give you access to the following films:
Research Methods:
- Laboratory Experiments
- Field Experiments
- Natural Experiments
- Experimental Design
- Naturalistic Observation
- Self-Report Methods
- Case Study Research
- Correlations
- Sampling
- Reliability and Validity
- Variables
Issues and Debates:
- Ethics and Ethical Issues
- Ethnocentrism
- Socially Sensitive Research
- The Usefulness of Psychological Research
- Reductionism
- Psychology and Science
- Nature-Nurture
- Determinism and Free Will
- Beyond Genetics?
- Individualistic and Situational Psychology
- Ethical Issues in Animal Research
- Are You What Your Mother Ate? The Agouti Mouse Study
- Rethinking Obesity: Nature via Nurture
- The Ethics of Abortion: When Does Life Begin?
Key Studies:
- Milgram and Beyond: Obedience and Identity
- Bowlby: Attachment and Maternal Deprivation
- Ainsworth: The Strange Situation
- Mindmindedness and Attachment Security
- Rosenhan: Being Sane in Insane Places
- The English-Romanian Adoptees Project
- False Memories
Maths in Psychology:
- Spearman’s Rho
- Sign Test
- Chi Square
- Mann-Whitney
- Probability
- Wilcoxen Signed Rank Test
Sleep Studies
- Why do we sleep
- The structure of sleep
- Insomnia
- Sleep, memory and learning
Crime and Criminality
- Criminal Offender Profiling
- Introducing Geographical Offender Profiling
- Geographical Profiling Applied: the M25 Rapist.
Dynamic Learning: introducing study skills underpinned by psychological research
- Metacognition [new]
- Sleep and Memory [new]
- Better Sleep, Better Grades [new]
- The Power of Habits [new]
- Active Listening [new]
- Cornell Notes [new]
Introducing Sociology
- What is Sociology
- Identity
- Social Constructionism
- Sociology and Commonsense
Research Methods
- Participant Observation
- Self-Report Methods
- Case Studies
- Triangulation
- Making Friends with Methods
Families and Households
- Family Diversity
- Modernity and Social Change
- The End of Childhood?
- Childhood and New Technology
Crime and Devance
- Moral Panics
- Durkheim and the Functions of Crime
- Crimes of the Powerful
- Crime and Gender Closing The Gap
- Relighting the Streets Situational Crime Prevention
- Hate Crime in Everyday Life
- Policing the Night
- Strain Theory
- Labelling Theory
- Space and Place (Environmental Criminology)
- The Cannibal on Bus 1170: Rethinking Moral Panics
- Religion: What it is and what it does
- New Religion: alternative spiritualities
- The Decline of Religion: Secularisation
Membership of the Film Club gives one year's access to our current Psychology, Sociology and Dynamic Learning library.